
Erdkunde-Exkursion 2013


Geography field trip: soils (grade 12):

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 At first sight the topic ‘soils’ may not have an overwhelming appeal to students:

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But the area around Leer offers a remarkable variety of soils that are easily accessible by bike during a school morning. This is a good opportunity for a field trip and all the necessary equipment can be carried along:

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At a bog (Moor) location with peat (Torf), heather (Heide), sundew (Sonnentau) and cotton grass (Wollgras):

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In between: cycling for fitness and for reaching the next location:

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No soil examination without digging - here at a ‘Geest’ location:

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Impressive: A ‘Marsch’ location - with curious cows:

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Despite mud and cowpats: soils can have some appeal when you actually see, feel and smell them and understand their formation:

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